Figures released by HM Revenue and Customs show that inheritance tax receipts hit £5.7 billion in the eight months from April ...
Five councils have employed the Generation Rent activist group to help “understand the issues” of the private rental sector.
It’s not going to be a happy Christmas for two two landlords who had left tenants living in properties with unsafe electrics.
Green Party politicians are telling landlords to avoid evictions this winter and to ensure nobody is left out in the cold ...
A landlord with a portfolio of houses has been fined in court for a second time this year, for failing to comply with his ...
Activists have threatened to hold a second protest outside the workplace of a landlord over an apparent dispute about a ...
Almost one in four properties in England are at risk of flooding, data from the Environment Agency shows. It says 6.3m out of ...
A survey by the agency shows 44% of tenants and an equal percentage of landlords now favour one-year fixed-term contracts.
Landlords think the stamp duty threshold changes next year will encourage tenants to stay longer, a new survey has found.
Just hours after the government said it was relaxing rules for councils licensing landlords, a London authority has launched ...
Adoption of AI in real estate will tip over from tactical usage to a strategic priority in 2025, it forecasts. Confidence in ...
Another popular part of the UK is edging towards a ban Airbnb-style short lets and holiday homes. The Yorkshire Dales ...