The NWI is Australia’s plan for water reform. It was created in 2004 and agreed by all states and territories. It provides a framework and principles for managing our water sustainably. It aims to ...
Data current as of financial year 2022-23. The National Waste and Resource Recovery Reporting provides a summary of waste and resource recovery in Australia for the financial year 2022–23. It includes ...
We have strong laws in place to protect our environment. They help us to protect our unique plants, animals, habitats and places. You can access data and publications that will help you understand the ...
Looking to recycle materials other than e-waste? Find out how by visiting Recycle Mate or Planet Ark RecyclingNearYou. Some products we use regularly like mobile phones, computers and TVs can also be ...
Commonwealth and state regulations have distinct requirements, legal considerations, and levels of environmental protection. An approval granted under one does not automatically guarantee approval by ...
Australia and the world are undergoing the biggest and fastest economic transformation since the industrial revolution. Action to reduce emissions will help prevent the worst impacts of climate change ...