Hamid El Mahdaoui, director of the news website Badil.info, is due to appear in court today on charges of ‘disseminating ...
Erol Onderoglu, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)’s representative in Türkiye, will once again appear before the judges of the ...
Le directeur du site d'information Badil.info, Hamid El Mahdaoui comparaît devant la justice aujourd’hui pour des charges de ...
Le représentant de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) en Turquie, Erol Onderoglu, se présentera une fois de plus devant les ...
Jazeera, was hit by a strike in the city of Deir al-El Balah in central Gaza. The next day, Fadi Alwahdi, also a cameraman ...
Le 8 octobre, Ali al-Attar, cameraman pour Al-Jazeera, a été touché par un bombardement à Deir al-Balah, dans le centre de ...
Two Al-Jazeera journalists between life and death in Gaza: RSF condemns new crimes by the Israeli army On 8 October, Ali Attar, a cameraman for Al-Jazeera, was hit by a strike in the city of Deir ...
الحرب في لبنان: يجب حماية الصحفيين وتمكينهم من العمل بحرية Depuis l’extension de la guerre à plusieurs régions du Liban, le 23 septembre, les journalistes font face à un danger et des pressions accrus ...
2013 to 2021 editions. The degree of freedom available to journalists in 180 countries is determined by pooling the responses of experts to a questionnaire devised by RSF. This qualitative analysis is ...
Durante los dos últimos años, Perú ha experimentado un fuerte retroceso en materia de libertad de información y un desplome ...
RSF has documented 20 cases of press freedom violations in Peru between August and September 2024 Peru has experienced a sharp decline in press freedom, dropping 48 places in Reporters Without Borders ...
RSF y Society se unen para lanzar un número especial concebido para y con ocho periodistas encarcelados en el mundo Este número combina la innovadora línea editorial de la revista con el activismo de ...