Like in most Central European countries, Christmas in Poland is a quaint and much-beloved affair. However, while Germanic traditions, like decorating trees, have spread so far as to be unsurprising, ...
The concept of a Grand Tour was introduced in the 1770s by an Englishman, Richard Lassels, to describe a journey serving to supplement education, develop aesthetic taste, acquire practical skills, ...
Discover the magic of Polish Christmas through the fascinating tales of its traditional objects. From the shimmering artistry ...
Napisany i wyreżyserowany przez Jessego Eisenberga "Prawdziwy ból" to opowieść o rodzinnej przeszłości, traumie i pamięci ...
Ciprian Porumbescu, a Romanian composer with Polish roots, bridged cultures through music, creating works inspired by ...
Ktoś mógłby powiedzieć, że "Pan Żarówka" to opowieść autobiograficzna, a kto inny, że duszna, surrealistyczna baśń – i każdy ...
Rozmowa z Michałem "Nihilem" Kuźniakiem i Dominikiem Gacem, twórcami słuchowiska "Dziady", opartego na nagraniach ...
O koncertach i festiwalach, kompozytorskiej codzienności i europejskiej tożsamości. Kim byłby Paweł Szymański, gdyby nie ...
Explore the fascinating world of historical etiquette guides penned by strong, unconventional women. From Maria Wielopolska’s ...
Dive into the rich tapestry of Polish table culture with chef and historian Bogdan Gałązka. From medieval feasts to vegan ...