Climate change is already costing us a bundle. Proponents say this measure will save money in the long run. Opponents call it ...
Some argue it’s entirely possible for humans and wildlife to coexist, and even thrive. Erica Spotswood is an ecologist with a ...
Yet mole crabs persist. Even when winter surf gouges sand from a beach, mole crabs can go along for the ride and survive the ...
Scientists surveying marine life off our coastline have been watching marine mammals roll in for the Bay Area seafood buffet.
Sea palms reach up to two feet in height and turn a rich caramel color in the summer and fall as they drop their spores. The ...
« Sy Montgomery, the author of 30+ books on wildlife and conservation Marine Wildlife and Ecology – Sail under the Golden Gate Bridge 2024 » ...
On a hike in the Sonoma hills in the spring of 1993, Peter Connors was, as usual, ignoring the view for the wildflowers—when he spotted a lone purple-and-white clover that stopped him in his tracks.
The cacophonous alarm cries of western gulls rang out as a crane lifted a boat full of visitors onto the windswept Farallon Islands, a bustling avian metropolis normally off-limits to all but a few ...