最近,Character.AI 及其创始人 Noam Shazeer 和 Daniel De Freitas,以及谷歌,因一名青少年自杀事件被起诉。起诉方是该青少年的母亲 Megan ...
A Florida mom has filed a lawsuit against Character.AI, an artificial intelligence company, alleging that one of its chatbots ...
Megan Garcia sued Character.AI in federal court after the suicide of her 14-year-old son, Sewell Setzer III, arguing the ...
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)编译 | 陈骏达编辑 | Panken智东西10月24日消息,据《纽约时报》昨日报道,个性化聊天机器人创企Character.AI因卷入一则青少年自杀案而遭起诉。另据科技媒体The ...
Sewell Setzer III had professed his love for the chatbot he often interacted with - his mother Megan Garcia says in a civil ...
Florida mom Megan Garcia's lawsuit against the chatbot firm Character.AI is related to the tragic death of her son Sewell ...
The mother said her son became infatuated with a chatbot made in the likeness of Daenerys Targaryen and often exchanged ...
The teen was influenced to “come home” by a personalized chatbot developed by Character.AI that lacked sufficient guardrails, ...
A Florida mother filed a lawsuit Tuesday claiming the artificial intelligence company Character.AI allegedly caused the ...
他放下手机,拿起继父的.45 口径手枪,扣动了扳机,14 岁的生命就这样在虚拟与现实的交错中戛然而止。 Sewell 的母亲梅根·L·加西亚(Megan L. Garcia)本周对 Character.AI 提起了诉讼。 她指责该公司应为 Sewell 的离世负全责。一份起诉书草稿中写道,该公司的技术「危险且未经测试」,并且「会诱导客户交出他们最私密的想法和感受」。
这起悲剧其实发生在8个月前。今年二月,14岁的弗洛里达男孩Sewell结束了自己的生命。在他决定这么做的最后时刻,陪着他的是C.ai上的虚拟AI角色Daenerys Targaryen——来自《权利的游戏》,中国观众习惯称她龙妈。
佛罗里达州母亲Megan Garcia在儿子Sewell ...