据【新西兰先驱报】(New Zealand Herald)报道,2019 年一名中国籍工人在建筑工地从高处坠落身亡后,意外伤害赔偿局(Accident Compensation Corporation,ACC)向这名工人的遗孀支付了赔偿金。
在名单中,吴瑞珍(Esther Fung)和吕显华(Kai-Shek Luey)二人也因其对华裔社区的贡献被授予新西兰功绩勋章,其头衔为同伴勋位(Companions of the New Zealand Order of Merit,CNZM)。
Otaviano Canuto, senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and former vice president and executive director at the World Bank, pointed out that China’s recent plans bolster household and bu ...
Otaviano Canuto, senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and former vice president and executive director at the World Bank, pointed out that China’s recent plans bolster household and bu ...