A family from Canada, who were lucky enough to capture Ring footage of the meteorite falling onto their property, say 'it's ...
A couple captured the sound of a meteorite hitting Earth for first time ever - on their home security camera. Laura Kelly and ...
An expert says the meteorite would have been traveling about 124 miles per hour when it smashed into the walkway.
拜登在周三的告别信和告别演说中,都没有具体提到特朗普的名字。但他回顾说,2021年1月他就职时,美国不仅面临着疫情和剧烈的经济危机,而且正在经历自美国内战以来对民主最严重的攻击,意指 特朗普拒绝承认选举结果、并引起国会山庄暴动 的事件。