Seattle-based studio Jar of Sparks has stopped development on its first project as it looks for a new publisher.
NetEase pulls funding for another studio: Former Halo Infinite design head says Jar of Sparks is 'halting work' while it ...
Jar of Sparks founder and CEO Jerry Hook via LinkedIn announced the studio has halted production on its first game as it looks for a new publisher.
最近,游戏产业的进展引起了广泛关注。众多新工作室如同春雨后冒出的竹笋一样涌现,然而它们也遭遇了不少困难。像Jar of这样的工作室,选择暂停其首部游戏的开发,转而寻求新的资金支持,这一举动格外引人注目。
Former Halo Infinite head of design Jerry Hook announces NetEase's new developer Jar of Sparks has paused work on its current game.
Jar of Sparks, the Seattle-based "AAA" studio established by Halo Infinite head of design Jerry Hook back in 2022, has ...
Jerry Hook在领英上发布的信息,就像平静湖面扔下的一块大石头。他告诉团队,Jar of 将会暂停目前的出版活动。这则消息一开始对工作室里的成员产生了深远的影响,他们之前正朝着既定的目标不懈努力,现在却不得不暂时停下脚步。位于西雅图的Jar ...
DoNews1月9日消息,近日,网易位于美国西雅图的第一方工作室Jar of Sparks宣布正式停止首个未公开项目的开发工作,原因是因为需要寻找“新的出版合作伙伴”以筹集资金。 现任工作室负责人Jerry ...
网易在西雅图设立的第一方游戏工作室Jar of Sparks,曾以打造下一代叙事驱动动作游戏为目标,吸引了业界目光。该工作室由前《光环:无限》设计总监Jerry Hook领导,汇聚了一批富有创意和激情的游戏开发者。
Jar of Sparks CEO and studio head Hook is a Microsoft veteran who helped launch the original Xbox and was a founding member ...
2022年7月,网易在美国西雅图成立的第一方工作室Jar of Sparks正式营业。该工作室的主要目标是开发下一代具有浓厚叙事特色的动作游戏,并聘请了《光环:无限》的前设计主管Jerry Hook担任工作室领导。
Hook was previously the head of design on Halo Infinite at 343 Industries, and originally started out at Microsoft in 2003 - ...