Epic Games’ Fortnite lawsuits continue as the developer of the multiplayer juggernaut takes legal action against an account thief that stole and sold hundreds of players’ accounts. Following a huge ...
Fortnite maker Epic Games is suing a player accused of stealing and selling countless user accounts, and profiting ...
近日,一起涉及知名游戏《堡垒之夜》的账户盗窃案引起了广泛关注。该游戏的开发公司已正式对一名玩家提起诉讼,指控其非法获取并转售大量游戏账户。 据开发公司透露,这名被告玩家名为Isaac ...
Epic Games' war on cheaters rages on, and it seems Fortnite's developer/publisher is willing to wage it; after naming and ...
近日,堡垒之夜的开发公司对一名玩家提起了法律诉讼,指控其非法获取并出售大量游戏账户。据开发公司在今年2月27日提交的诉讼文件中披露,被告人Isaac ...
Epic Games seems to progressively take action against people illegally making money through Fortnite. This time, they've sued ...