Most tiers of the popular GeForce NOW game streaming service are "sold out," and NVIDIA says it's because of high demand.
Case in point, the first two tiers of NVIDIA's GeForce NOW gaming service are now sold out, as well as a few others. The ...
GeForce NOW subscription tiers are currently listed as 'sold out' for a lot of gamers, pointing to capacity issues for NVIDIA ...
Most of Nvidia's GeForce Now game streaming tiers are currently unavailable, reportedly due to high demand. Gamers looking to ...
值得注意的是,GeForce NOW并非首次面临服务器压力问题。为了应对这一挑战,英伟达已经采取了一系列措施。例如,去年年底,该公司宣布自2025年1月1日起,所有新注册用户的游戏时长都将被限制在100小时以内,即便是最昂贵的终极版用户也不例外。
IT之家 1 月 22 日消息,英伟达云游戏服务 GeForce NOW 的多档会员订阅计划出现“售罄”情况,目前英伟达在其官网上将多个订阅计划标记为“已售完”,仅剩 1 个月终极版、6 个月性能版和终极版三个选项可供选择。
GeForce Now players can now play Baldur's Gate 3 with mod support to spend even more thousands of hours in the RPG.
近日,英伟达的云游戏服务GeForce NOW因用户需求的激增而暂停了多档位订阅计划的销售。根据知名科技媒体ComputerBase的报道,英伟达此举是为了更好地应对当前供不应求的局面,以保证现有用户在服务器上的稳定性和流畅体验。尽管GeForce NOW的流行程度日渐增加,但其面对的挑战也逐渐浮现,如何平衡用户体验与服务器负载成为了关键课题。
Planning to get Nvidia's GeForce NOW cloud game streaming service? Here are all the macOS supported games for you to check ...
Apparently, too many people appreciated the ability to play without a powerful PC or console. The NVIDIA GeForce Now cloud ...
Currently, five out of eight subscription tiers for GeForce Now are unavailable, including all Day Passes, Free, and Performance tiers of the 1-month plan, as well ...
Nvidia’s GeForce Now streaming service is a great way to play PC games on platforms that can’t support them. But you can’t get all the bells and whistles of the PC gaming experience — mods are pretty ...