澳洲九号台1月20日报道,罕见的G3 Atlas彗星经过16万年后重返太阳系,出现在了澳洲的夜空中,这一千载难逢的天文现象目前在澳洲及整个南半球都可以观测到。 G3 Atlas彗星是在2024年4月首次被发现的,NASA(美国国家航空航天局)目前正严密监测其轨道。而一些澳洲人已经成功在地球上观测到了它。 NASA宇航员Don Pettit更是从国际空间站捕捉到了G3 Atlas的影像。他表示:“从 ...
Experts think the comet started breaking up last week, but it's still putting on a show for star gazers for a few more days.
New photos of comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) suggest that it could be disintegrating due to "thermal stress" from its recent ...
人民资讯 on MSN1 天
In the photo from the space station, the comet is captured just above Earth’s horizon, which is illuminated by a bright light ...
大皖新闻讯 记者1月11日从省交通厅批复文件获悉,G3京台高速公路大刘郢枢纽至蚌埠互通段改扩建工程施工图设计获批。
Perfect weather has opened up Adelaide’s skies for an event of a lifetime that won’t happen again for about 160,000 years.
January 2025 hosts extraordinary celestial events, including the rare appearance of Comet G3 ATLAS, visible once every ...
近日记者获悉,福州市青少年天文台成功观测到了首次进入太阳系的彗星C/2024G3(AT?LAS),并拍下了这位“天外来客”的靓影。值得一提的是,该彗星极有可能是今年最亮彗星。 “这是我们天文台20多年来首次记录到掠日彗星!我们拍到了彗星的彗核、彗尾,彗尾相对北极星方向呈120度,背向太阳。”福州市青少年天文台负责人潘小清告诉记者。