(八打灵再也24日讯)MYEG服务有限公司(MyEG)宣布与MyDigital ID有限公司(MYIDSSB)建立战略合作,共同打造一个基于区块链的国家数字身分生态系统,即MyDigital ID超级应用程式。
(槟城17日讯)大马东盟商业咨询理事会(ASEAN-BAC Malaysia)主席丹斯里纳西尔说,美食不分国界,东盟各国就共同拥有叻沙这道美食,他以此比喻东盟国家享有许多共同点,而该会也将致力减少联系各国的障碍。他说,该会成员日前受邀品尝槟城街头美食 ...
In recent years, Nanning has emerged as a significant tourism hub, connecting travelers from China to ASEAN destinations while welcoming ASEAN visitors to China. With a vision of becoming an ...
BEIJING, 16 ene (Xinhua) -- El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Wang Yi, se reunió hoy jueves con enviados ...
印尼旅游部长薇蒂燕缇(Widiyanti Putri Wardhana)在马来西亚新山举行的东盟旅游论坛期间,与韩国文化体育观光部长官柳仁村(Yu In Chon)会面。
O ministro das Relações Exteriores da China, Wang Yi, disse que a China está pronta para trabalhar com os países da ...
ASEAN countries should stick together and avoid involving any external parties in their dialogue with China, because the future of the region belongs to ASEAN and China, not some other Western country ...
菲律宾外长恩里克·马纳洛(Enrique Manalo)星期六(1月18日)表示,东南亚联盟(ASEAN)和中国有关南中国海行为准则旷日持久的谈判现在应该在一些棘手的“里程碑问题”上取得进展,其中包括这一协议的适用范围以及协议是否具有法律约束力等问题 ...
BEIJING, 16 ene (Xinhua) -- China está dispuesta a trabajar con los países de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático ...
As the permanent host city of the China-ASEAN Expo, Nanning has become a vital platform for China's engagement with ASEAN. Since 2004, the city has hosted CAEXPO for 21 consecutive years, fostering ...
Themed "Building a China-ASEAN Community of Friendship: Urban Openness and Cooperation," the "Global Mayors Dialogue -- Nanning" event has attracted attendees from ASEAN countries such as Cambodia, ...