Type in a question to ChatGPT and an answer will materialise. Put a prompt into DALL-E 3 and an image will emerge. Click on ...
TikTok is axing 'several hundred' jobs in the UK and Malaysia as part of a drive for more artificial intelligence in its ...
观众朋友们大家好,欢迎来到本期NAI热投——你的热点投资指向标。OpenAI推出的ChatGPT,如今可谓是家喻户晓。最近,彭博社报道称这家超级独角兽又在进行融资,以1500亿美金的估值融资65亿美元。微软继续参投,英伟达、软银则是首次参与。去年底, ...
该行分析师Nat Schindler开始覆盖Meta股票,并给予其“持有” (Sector Perform)评级,目标价为585美元,低于Meta周五的收盘价。Meta的股价今年已上涨66%,在过去12个月则上涨了86%。周五,Meta收涨超1%至589.95美元,而标普500指数上涨0.61%。
Meta can't sell the glasses at that price point, and it's likely going to be several years before they come down to a price ...