A coroner has warned about the effects of depression medication after the husband of the Prince and Princess Michael of ...
The target action date for Rexulti in combination with sertraline to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, ...
In the days leading up to his death, Mr Kingston had stopped taking medication and toxicology tests showed caffeine and small ...
Tom Kingston’s death was ‘entirely and fundamentally out of character’ after taking combination of medications for anxiety, ...
Mr Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter, ‘was suffering adverse effects of medication’, ...
The FDA is reviewing new vaccines for meningitis and chikungunya and therapies for Parkinson disease and PTSD.
Treating ADHD is straightforward with stimulants, often giving patients life-changing relief. But with comorbid conditions, ...
An arrest warrant was said to have been issued for Ezequiel David Pereyra, 21, after he failed to answer a court summons to ...
Even the coroner specified that the self-inflicted death was an “adverse effect” of the antidepressant the man had been ...
Maynard, 32, begged Instagram followers for advice on Monday as he weighed up the possibility of using prescribed medication to alleviate his anxiety.