These things only go up to 90.0 MHz, meaning the average driver isn’t even able to pick up a ZBC station unless they start tampering with their car’s head unit. The only station that most of ...
Social media is teeming with chaos over the annual license fees published by the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC).
Jah Prayzah demanded that ZBC cameras be switched off before he could perform at the inaugural “Bira Rembira” held recently ...
The state-controlled broadcaster, the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), has published its radio and television licence fees. This was one of the most outrageous lists I have seen a long time.
秋风起,天渐凉。季节更迭带来的不仅是宜人气候,还有对中老年人群关节健康的挑战。每当此时,因膝关节不适前来就诊的人数便会有所上升。在10月12日的“世界关节炎日”来临之际,我院骨外科主任丁悦教授将带大家了解骨性关节炎,学会在秋风中呵护自己的关节。秋风吹 ...
Zimbabwe has launched electronic gates (e-gates) at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe (RGM) International Airport to enhance ...