One thing to note: although the bag proved to be fully waterproof and mostly dried within five minutes, the back padding absorbed water and was still damp after 30 minutes. Made from abrasion ...
Patagonia makes some of the best outdoor gear on the market. From sleeping bags to crossbody bags, the retailer keeps you ...
In addition to our clothes (including hiking boots, water shoes, fleece jackets, and windbreakers), toiletries, camera gear, and a first aid kit, we also brought our Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bags.
What would be your idea of the best collaboration? If you thought about anything else other than the Target x Bogg Bagg collaboration, you’re wrong and we’ll tell you why. Bogg Bag has become a social ...
What sets this bag apart: This tote bag is constructed with a lightweight, waterproof material. It has a large capacity for beach essentials like towels, cover-ups and snacks. What's more ...
All that weatherproofing isn’t light, either—the Panga is the heaviest bag we tested, weighing more than 5 pounds when empty. If you need a waterproof bag as tough as the Panga that also ...
This collapsible cooler bag takes a cue from the dry-bag playbook with its convenient buckle roll top and waterproof welding seam design. We tested the large 23-liter size and could easily fill ...