The Welsh government has partnered with a collection of social housing landlords to create standardised timber-frame housing designs to boost the delivery of sustainable homes.
A Northern Ireland based building firm has secured planning permission to undertake an eight-figure residential housing development on the outskirts of a county Monaghan village. Timber frame building ...
Deputy First Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies has visited the development of new homes in Penrhyndeudraeth to mark the launch of Welsh Government’s Timber Industrial Strategy.
Deputy First Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies was welcomed to a development of new homes at Maes Deudraeth in Penrhyndeudraeth last week. The official visit ...
Plans for Cherry Grove have been developed in collaboration with Frome Town Council and Somerset Council, forming part of Stonewater’s mission to provide everyone with a place to call home and deliver ...