The Welsh government has partnered with a collection of social housing landlords to create standardised timber-frame housing designs to boost the delivery of sustainable homes.
Based in Devon since 1996, Westructure Timber Frame has established a reputation as independent market leaders in timber frame structures, dwellings, roof trusses, staircases and bespoke joinery.
Deputy First Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies has visited the development of new homes in Penrhyndeudraeth to mark the launch of Welsh Government’s Timber Industrial Strategy.
Deputy First Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies was welcomed to a development of new homes at Maes Deudraeth in Penrhyndeudraeth last week. The official visit ...
The Jaffrey Civic Center will present the fifth program in this season’s “Stories to Share” series on Friday, Feb. 7, at 5 p.m. The speaker will be longtime woodworker Paul ...