Furthermore, Tcf4 functions as a suppressor of astrocyte fate during the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells derived from the ventral telencephalon, thereby restricting the fate to the ...
Chosen-plaintext,Communication Channels,Computing Devices,Denial Of Service,Distributed Denial Of Service,Elliptic Curve,Encryption And Decryption,Encryption Scheme,Implantable Cardioverter ...
During fetal development, the diencephalon arises from the anterior vesicle of the neural tube that also gives rise to the prosencephalon and telencephalon. The diencephalon is divided into four ...
This manuscript provides important new insight into the mechanisms underlying seasonal physiology, using medaka fish as a functional genetic model that naturally exhibits photoperiodic responses. The ...
Publisher Correction: High carrier mobility along the [111] orientation in Cu 2 O photoelectrodes ...
该团队对自由游动幼年斑马鱼进行了全脑成像,发现了微小幼虫斑马鱼大脑存在位置细胞的证据,揭示了硬骨鱼脑中空间信息的功能特性和解剖分布。与编码方向和速度的细胞相比,多数位置细胞位于斑马鱼前脑中端脑区域,但其确切功能是争论的焦点。端脑中位置细胞的高浓度或证实了长期以来的猜想,即该大脑区域是缩小的哺乳动物海马体的功能类似物。这些位置编码神经元可以用来解码动物随时间变化的空间位置。通过将这一群体编码投射到二 ...
1 McMaster Neuroscience Graduate Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 2 Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada The human primary ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The beneficial effects of Neural Precursor ...
相关研究成果以《幼年斑马鱼端脑中空间表征的群体编码》(A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon)为题,发表在《自然》(Nature)上。 生物通过空间探索生成其外部环境的大脑内在地图。当探索陌生城市时,我们使用各种线索 ...
In October 2020 and November 2021, a total of 1,066 largemouth bass were collected from Dongjing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Longyan, Fujian Province, China, 688 fish in October 2020 (batch 1) and 378 ...