In a new move from Bandai Spirits, a Gundam tabletop game called Gundam Assemble has been announced. The game will feature ...
We've gone full circle because Bandai has announced a new tabletop miniatures game with Gundam. It's GUNPLA time!
Ad Astra, players will act as one of six alien species vying for dominance over the far reaches of the galaxy. While not the ...
Miniatures skirmish games have exploded in popularity these past few years, and with nearly a dozen high-profile titles currently in active development, the genre is poised for a breakout year in 2025 ...
Are you tempted by the thought of a new Gundam miniatures game? Could you get sucked into building mecha for Gundam now that there's a game attached to it? Are you already a fan and see this is as a ...
The Orruks Warclans are up for Pre-Order this weekend. We've got the new miniatures in the studio so come take a look at them ...
Bandai Spirits has announced an upcoming Gundam-themed tabletop game Gundam Assemble, transforming giant mech suits into 5cm miniatures.
Tabletop gaming - a resurrection of ... where gamers painted miniatures and chatted to each other. Mantic Games During the pandemic, people had time to paint whole armies and then connect with ...