Sonam Kapoor dropped a video in which she flaunted her two glamorous looks, proving the summer staple skirt can be worn in winter. Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram recently to share two of her ...
Womens crop tops are a popular and versatile fashion item, characterized by their shorter length that typically ends above the waist, exposing the midriff. These tops come in a wide range of styles, ...
Jan. 4 is National Ribbon Skirt Day every year, and GYM is currently working on a ribbon skirt library. “What we’re visioning the ribbon skirt library to be is a safe space where young women and two ...
The Smith Summer Science and Engineering Program (SSEP ... The course culminates with each team envisioning, designing, and executing their own unique final robot project. Globally, young women face ...
Yet the best slippers for women aren't just for lounging — we're on our feet a lot at home, too, so they still need proper support. And especially in the dead of winter, they need a cozy layer ...