the animated trilogy capper “Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse” and Amazon’s “Spider-Noir” series starring Nicolas Cage, who voiced the alternate-dimension hero in the “Spider-Verse ...
Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr. explored Spider-Man’s new connection to Osborn with an impressive new costume filled with advanced Oscorp technology. He's since moved on to a more magical costume ...
The Spider-Verse films are some of the few still standing in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. Image: Sony Morbin’ time may finally be over. No more researching spiders in the Amazon. Venom has been ...
Andrew Garfield recalled how his mother made a Spider-Man costume with felts when he was merely three. He says, “Oh my God, this person, this character, it means so fucking much to me.” The old ...
After six years of flops and diminishing returns, Sony is saying farewell to its Spider-Man Universe (SSU). According to a new report from The Wrap, Kraven the Hunter will likely be the final film ...