So it's not a bad way to go at all. Any project featuring a new iteration of Spider-Man needs to have a unique, original suit design. Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 found the simplest and yet most ...
There's his first homemade effort, an Oscorp suit created by Norman Osborn ... the MCU depiction of the Tom Holland Spider-Man, but it really also draws all the way back to Steve Ditko ...
The latest entry in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU ... The animation, the music, and the actors voicing those characters are all amazing. I could rewatch these movies any number of times ...
Given that the DS is one of the best-selling video game consoles of all time, it should come as no surprise that there were plenty of Spider-Man games for the system. One of the better ones was ...
The current arc of Amazing Spider-Man has Peter Parker decked out in a new magical suit, using his upgraded ... powered up by Cyttorak in spider-style armor all his own. Written by Joe Kelly ...