Sonic Adventure 2's player count on Steam reached a new high following the premiere of the third Sonic movie. The success of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and the Knuckles show is benefiting the Sonic game ...
wheel-turning installment in a continually burgeoning franchise that will no doubt continue for many years to come." Sonic 3 is inspired by the video game Sonic Adventure 2 and picks up with our ...
With each Sonic film, Paramount has drawn closer inspiration from Sega's game series, teasing characters in each post-credits scene to set up the next. That's no different with the release of ...
In a new interview with GamesRadar+, Fowler admitted that there was “no version” of the movie that didn’t include the iconic song. “You fire up your Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure 2 and the ...
Dec. 22 (UPI) --The animated and live-action blended adventure, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, is the No. 1 movie in North America, earning $62 million in receipts, announced on Sunday.