Shahid Kapoor took to Instagram and shared a behind-the-scenes rehearsal video of his track Bhasad Macha from the upcoming movie Deva, wit h fans making his comparison to Hrithik Roshan.
Pakistan actors Hania Aamir and Yashma Gill danced to Bollywood songs at the wedding of the latter's sister Arooba Gill. Several videos of the duo grooving to the music emerged on social media ...
this was considered the first time a rock band incorporated a full live orchestra, cementing the unwavering associations between rock and classical music. Before this, however, many bands, including ...
The exercise hadn't started, but I was already sweating. I was waiting nervously at the back of the 30 or so people at Body Positive Dance Fitness in Portland. Lucy Sullivan hit play, and "Take Me or ...
The song is about loneliness and isolation, and I think the solo reflects that. There's a lot of heart in it. It's a feel thing: you have to feel a solo as you play it, otherwise it's going to sound ...
Miranda Hart has finally given fans a glimpse into her surprise private wedding. The comedian had ... about the emotional impact of a particular song that brought tears to their guests, reports ...