Jan. 7, Greenleaf Behavioral Health is opening the door to services for another group in the community- seniors.
Motorists and road users who have depression have been warned they could face a £1,000 fine if they fail to declare it to the DVLA when it affects their ability to drive safely.
Older adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) demonstrate distinct and riskier driving behaviors than those without MDD.
Older adults with major depression exhibit unique patterns of risky driving independent of antidepressant use, suggesting the need for targeted interventions to ensure safety.
Carolyn Dickens, 76, was sitting at her dining room table, struggling to catch her breath as her physician looked on with ...
Uncover the challenges of ensuring road safety for senior drivers with mild cognitive impairment. Learn why our healthcare ...
Studies show that many older adults who engage in Pilates exercises have increased energy, fewer falls and injuries, and ...