The Kansas Department of Transportation plans to begin work on a bridge replacement and pavement reconstruction project along U.S. 281 in Osborne County the week of December 30.
The Kansas Department of Transportation plans to begin work on a bridge replacement and pavement reconstruction project along ...
vkd3d-proton is a fork of VKD3D, which aims to implement the full Direct3D 12 API on top of Vulkan ... The intended way to use vkd3d-proton is as native Win32 DLLs (d3d12.dll and d3d12core.dll). These ...
Some cattle are excelling at rapidly producing a high-quality end product; however, they are usually not the low maintenance ...
Similarly, the ideal bull for producing replacement females may not produce high-value feeder or carcass cattle. Rather than focusing breeding goals on being heavily terminal or primarily maternal, ...
The Ethereum Foundation launched Mekong, a short-term testnet allowing developers to explore UX and staking updates for the upcoming Pectra fork. Chang will be the first hard fork in the final era ...
The Monday, Dec. 9, Buncombe County Helene recovery briefing covered information on North Fork Reservoir turbidity, lead testing, Helene relief deadlines, and more. Briefings go live on the ...
“This is my Notre Dame. That’s the truth.” We believe him. Schweigert, as Grand Forks Herald reporter Brad Schlossman wrote in an opinion column earlier this week, most definitely is leaving ...
The City of Clark Fork, near the Clark Fork River Delta on Lake Pend Oreille, in mid-November transferred $483,519 in grant funds meant to pay for excavation work done last summer as part of a ...
in mid-November transferred $483,519 in grant funds meant to pay for excavation work done last summer as part of a multi-year water infrastructure replacement project, said Clark Fork Councilman ...