Japan's unique approach to the horror genre shaped an entire generation of games on the PS2, with most of the classic titles ...
A very good game, that's what. Until Dawn pays tribute to the classic of cinematic horror and offers something new by virtue of it being a video game. In a typical movie, each character's fate is ...
Sometimes a limited perspective can really enhance the horror, with these side-scrolling games proving that point.
and the very best of the best horror games feature all of the above. With razor-sharp combat mechanics – or an inventive lack thereof – to boot, each one is a bastion of quality and ingenuity ...
What are the best horror games on PS5? A very popular genre despite its somewhat acquired taste, horror titles are for a lifetime, not just Halloween. Some will stick to jump scares while others ...
It is always a good time to get into the spooky spirit and pull out some fun horror games to play with friends. Fortunately, game developers have done a good job over the last few years pumping ...
Horror video games are an ideal niche if you are into jumpscares and hanging with virtual pals. Instead of observing from the safety of a movie theater chair, these games plop horror fans right ...
He says horror games typically utilise "the notion of being ... "Horror is a form that is really suitable for playing or watching with other people, and watching other people's reactions," says ...
Sammy said it was a logical jump to streaming scary games. He started with first-person shooter Doom, and things have built up from there. "At the beginning I was very much like 'most people aren ...