Rita Chabre, 91, of Brattleboro made 31 lap-sized afghan blankets to be handed out to residents at Pine Heights at Brattleboro Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation on Monday, Dec. 23, 2024.
Founded in 2021, Pine positions itself as a digital-first “mortgage disruptor” whose mission is to improve on the ease, speed and accessibility of applying for a mortgage.
“Ship-lap for floor shall be No. 2 white pine or its equal ... who noted that Pocahontas County installed red steel siding on the barns while he and Linda lived on the farm.
and the spunky German shorthaired pointer that did a few leaps before its lap around the ring. Spectators applauded 10-year-old handler Audra Maes and her shiba inu and breeder/owner/handler ...