As good as macOS is, you'll need a few extra apps to get the most out of your Mac. With so many to choose from, it can be ...
Asus' sales pitch for the ProArt PZ13 ($1,099.99) says it's for "active creators" who want to take AI outdoors, which sounds ...
一、引言随着英特尔酷睿Ultra 200S系列处理器和以Z890为代表的全新intel 800芯片组主板的发布,蛰伏有一段时间的PCI-E 5.0 SSD也开始进入大众视野。不过,散热问题依然是当前PCI-E 5.0 ...
从2023年开始,市场上涌现了不少基于PCIe 5.0的固态硬盘,而到了2024年越发多起来了,不少拥有自产NAND芯片的品牌开始推出PCIe 5.0 SSD。近日,我们就收到了长江存储新推出的PCIe ...