With 21,760 CUDA cores, it looks as though the RTX 5090 is divided into 170 streaming multiprocessors (SMs), which would also give it 170 RT cores. As a point of comparison, the GeForce RTX 4090 ...
众所周知,主板和CPU之间的关系非常紧密,CPU有怎样的变化,自然也会带动着主板一起来。今年,Intel和AMD均发布了全新一代的CPU和芯片组,主板厂商们除了对旗下产品线进行常规的更新换代之外,在原有”能用、好用“的基础上不断探寻更高的实用性与可玩 ...
Unlike its proactive engagement with the agitating farm unions in its previous term, the Narendra Modi-led NDA government 3.0 seems to be keeping an arm’s length from the issue. During the Modi ...