Deepak Perwani, a well-known Pakistani fashion designer and actor, is being trolled online for his views on India. The 50-year-old Sindhi Hindu said in a recent interview that the living conditions in ...
New Delhi: Pakistani fashion designer and actor Deepak Perwani’s recent admission of India being better than Pakistan has divided Pakistanis. While some want him to ‘go to India’, others can’t help ...
New Delhi: Indian fashion commentator Sufi Motiwala is ‘gagged and gooped’ by Pakistani actor Mahira Khan’s fashion taste, declaring that she wears “Indian designers better than half of India.” ...
Pakistani designers who focus on craftsmanship, innovation, and authenticity can carve out a strong niche without relying on endorsements.” “While we initially started with a regional focus ...
Wedding dresses are a big deal. Whether you have a design in mind or not, it’s vital to secure something that perfectly suits both your style and body type and will make you look and feel great ...
Dolly Fashion, also known as Humaira Asghar or Dolly Fashion Icon, is a multi-talented Pakistani personality. She is recognized as a model, fashion designer, social media influencer, and TikToker.