Pain in the right shoulder and arm can occur due to injury, wear and tear, and other health conditions. You may experience other symptoms with certain causes. Shoulder pain is very common.
Upper extremity movements are present in a multitude of events in our everyday lives. Reaching overhead to obtain a coffee mug from a high shelf in the cupboard, rotating and reaching backward to ...
Arthritis is damage to the cartilage in joints. Shoulder arthritis occurs when the cartilage starts wearing down on the ball and/or socket sides of the shoulder joint. Symptoms of shoulder arthritis ...
Pork loin and pork shoulder are two popular choices since they are versatile cuts that can be prepared in many ways. Both are great for roasting, braising, slow-cooking, and stewing, they're even ...
Arthritis, a widespread condition affecting millions around the world, causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints, disrupting regular tasks. While it’s impossible to cure arthritis ...