The Synopsys USB-C™ 3.0 and USB 3.0 femtoPHY IP provide designers with a complete physical (PHY) layer IP solution for low-power mobile and consumer applications such as digital cameras, networking ..
Rambus PCIe 4.0 Controller is a configurable and scalable PCIe controller Soft IP designed for ASIC and FPGA implementation. The Rambus PCIe 4.0 Controller is compliant with the PCI Express ... Rambus ...
GIMP 3.0 revamps the interface for high-resolution screens Keeps projects compatible with older versions Extensive testing ensures a bug-free GIMP 3.0 After two decades of anticipation ...
Web 3.0 represents the next evolution of the internet, powered by blockchain technology to deliver decentralized solutions and enhanced user autonomy through cryptocurrency tokens. The top Web 3.0 ...
MeLE’s new Overclock X5 mini PC features an Intel Core i5-12450H processor and features support for up to 64GB of RAM and up ...
一、引言随着英特尔酷睿Ultra 200S系列处理器和以Z890为代表的全新intel 800芯片组主板的发布,蛰伏有一段时间的PCI-E 5.0 SSD也开始进入大众视野。不过,散热问题依然是当前PCI-E 5.0 ...
The GameMax Vista COC PC Case is best approached with a delicate hand and with small components in mind but makes for an ...
Asus just announced their V16 laptop, which promises a high refresh rate at a fairly low price compared to similar gaming ...
In January 2006, the first Intel Macs were announced. We’ll deal more with that anniversary in a year, but for now, it’s ...
以往说到“海景房”那都是中高端机箱的代名词,不过从这两年开始“海景房”机箱就开始走向主流市场,价格可以说是越来越亲民,这对于希望将装机预算用在刀刃上的玩家来说确实是喜闻乐见的。硕一星际U620/U621机箱就是如此定位的产品,追随市场潮流所向的同时, ...
IT之家 12 月 24 日消息,存储企业广颖电通 Silicon Power 本月 20 日宣布推出其首款 M.2 E-Key 2230 PCIe NVMe 固态硬盘 MEM3K0E。 IT之家注: M.2 NGFF 规范规定了 M.2 ...