In the face of emergencies, having a well-stocked first aid kit at home can mean the difference between a minor mishap and a major disaster. Whether it's a scraped knee from a backyard adventure ...
A construction site in Bristol has taken a pioneering step in public safety by installing a life-saving bleed kit, becoming one of the first in the city to adopt the measure.
Some of the basics are missing, but it does have the best-equipped first aid kit we've seen ... to find an auto emergency kit that has everything, and the US Safety Kit All-in-One Emergency ...
On 1 October 2013, the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (the Regulations) were amended. The amendment did not change a school’s headline responsibility to ensure adequate first aid ...
As a leader in first aid training and education, the Red Cross offers practical information on how to recognize, treat and prevent injuries. You can purchase Red Cross First Aid kits, manuals and more ...