Romina Mircoli shared a screenshot on her Instagram account of the last WhatsApp message her mom sent her. Dulce wrote to her daughter: "I adore you, my baby. I love my two babies so much, always" and ...
I told my daughter everything would be OK in time. But there are many memories of him, so it’s hard for her. He sent her a message to apologize, but afterward, he blocked her. He also blocked ...
DEAR ABBY: My 18-year-old daughter recently broke up with her boyfriend. She caught him on the phone talking with another female, and there were other signs of his cheating as well. She’s ...
At a wedding in Shropshire, England, 3-year-old Evie delivered a heartfelt message to her dad, Elliot, surprising him and leaving him emotional. The message, recorded as a gift, became a viral ...