At a Burberry store in downtown Shanghai, the company’s distinctive tartan scarf costs Rmb4,800 ($678). But download the fashion app DeWu, upload a photo of the scarf and an identical-looking item ...
Chinese museums are abuzz with exhibitions from European jewellery houses. Over the summer, Bulgari’s travelling exhibition, Serpenti Factory, opened at the Genesis gallery in Beijing, while ...
保利世博天悦售楼处电话☎:400-889-3221✔✔✔ Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-889-3221✔✔✔ No matter how The Times change, the city center has always been one of the core criteria for real estate. 上海 ...
Our client, a luxury retail brand, is embarking on a new high-end F&B project in Beijing and is now seeking a Bar Manager.
BYD Malaysia 和 Sime Darby Auto Imports 在签约仪式后,将 BYD 的豪华品牌引入马来西亚。根据协议,Sime Darby Auto Imports 将成为 Denza 车辆的官方进口商,而 BYD ...
根据点点数据,得物的全球下载量已累计46亿次。根据QuestMobile数据,得物2024年3月月活用户近8800万,同比增长17.3%,在国内电商平台MAU榜单中排行第四。而得物网站显示,其月活跃用户约为 1 亿。
爱马仕目前的市值为2280亿欧元,而路威酩轩集团的市值为3310亿欧元。但分析师预计,到2027年,这家柏金包制造商将超越贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
一年前的2023年6月8日,保时捷跑车75周年纪念启动,在全球多地同步举行异彩纷呈的庆祝活动。作为全球庆典首站,保时捷在中国广州的海心沙亚运公园开启了为期10天的“逐梦嘉年华”,通过互动形式展现保时捷独特的历史传承和创新精神,并结合运动、艺术、音乐、 ...
Flying Solo再次在巴黎时装周大放异彩,年轻设计师们的先锋创意在La Galerie Bourbon的时尚盛宴中惊艳亮相。这场大秀汇聚了各路新锐设计师,他们通过大胆设计和富有想象力的造型,为现代时尚带来了全新的视角。在首席造型师Alina ...
Due giorni di Summit dal titolo "Leading Re-Generation" alla Fondazione Cini di Venezia a cura di Sistema Moda Italia, The ...