Lego has announced a collaboration with Netflix to release a series of One Piece Lego sets "coming soon." The One Piece collaboration was announced by Lego with a short teaser trailer, below, showing ...
Lego are promising ‘multiple’ new Lego sets so while none of them have been shown so far, it’s not just going to be one model and that’s it. The launch is due to tie-in in with the second season of ...
Lego has announced that it's teaming up with Netflix to create One Piece sets, based on the live-action adaptation of the popular manga and anime show. While details are light for now, Lego did tease ...
Lego has just revealed a collaboration with Netflix and Tomorrow Studio, who brought us the One Piece live action series, and it looks like there might be more to it than just some piratey Lego sets.
The Straw Hat Pirates have only been growing their popularity in recent years but this latest collaboration is one that proves Luffy and his crew have hit the major leagues. In a shocking new reveal, ...