According to Qubool Hai actor Puja Banerjee, Rubina always makes and drinks fresh tomato juice at parties. “Rubina has always been health-conscious. She has inspired me. I would like to tell you that ...
Here are six simple ways to use tomato ketchup beyond cooking: Natural Cleaner Tomato ketchup can be surprisingly effective at cleaning tarnished copper or stainless steel items, such as pots ...
How To Clean Copper With Lemon Juice And Salt There are a couple of methods that bring citrus into play, specifically with lemons and salt. If you’d prefer to keep it easy and use what's on hand, grab ...
Top with another fried green tomato, followed by another spoonful of crab salad. Layer the remaining servings in the same fashion, distributing the crab salad evenly. Serve immediately. Fpr crab salad ...