In a heartwarming yet comical video, a dog’s playful interaction with a chick takes an unexpected turn. The clip on Instagram captures a moment that starts with innocent fun but ends in an innocent ...
A dog found a severed human finger in the south-western German city of Stuttgart that had been blown off the hand of a 33-year-old man by a firecracker on New Year's Eve, police said on Thursday.
A Cornell study found that trained dogs are highly effective at detecting spotted lanternfly egg masses in forests, outperforming humans in complex environments. In vineyards, however, humans were ...
Michelle is a lead editor at Forbes Advisor. She has been a journalist for over 35 years, writing about insurance for consumers for the last decade. Prior to covering insurance, Michelle was a ...
The skies are a lot less friendly to fly with a balding, unhinged Mark Wahlberg in the pilot seat. That’s the takeaway from the new trailer for “Flight Risk,” a thriller from Mel Gibson, who ...