A computer-animated action-adventure comedy film series that follows the adventures of Lightning McQueen and Mater, set in a world populated entirely by anthropomorphic cars and other vehicles.
At this prime movie-bingeing season, here are some of the most notable vehicles we've seen on the screen. Some are legendary, others obscure, all worth watching.
Petrolheads planning to sit back and watch some festive classics over Christmas have been urged to keep an eye out for some ...
If you’re like us, you’ll routinely take note of the cars that appear in your favourite movies and TV shows. Some movies and ...
In the same way dogs can resemble their owners, in movies, cars can tell you something about their drivers. But which cars are actually the most iconic in movies? Throughout the 20th century ...
From high-speed chases to iconic road trips, cars have been stealing the spotlight in movies and TV shows for over a century. Interestingly, the Internet Movie Cars Database (IMCDb) reveals that the ...
Let's start with the most iconic movie car of all: The modified Aston Martin DB5 that James Bond (Sean Connery) first drove in 1964's Goldfinger. What was modified? Well, for one thing ...
The cinematic future might not always be riding on four wheels, but there are a fair number of sci-fi movies that offer their best — or worst — guess at what cars might look like further down ...