Global spread of powdery mildew threatens blueberries, costing millions and prompting better disease management strategies.
NC State researchers found that blueberry powdery mildew has spread globally in two strains, costing the industry up to $530 ...
A new North Carolina State University study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with ...
You can add needles or pine bark to help increase the acidity of the soil. As blueberries are a shallow-rooted plant, avoid planting them in heavy, clay soil with poor drainage. Blueberry plants ...
Blueberry supplies are in danger from a form of mildew that is spreading around the world, according to North Carolina (NC) ...
"If you're sending plant material across the world, you're likely spreading this fungus with it." Interestingly, the study also showed that the E. vaccinii fungus found in blueberries in other ...
We love blueberries because they are easy to plant, produce delicious fruit, and strikingly beautify our garden and landscape. But only when you give them a little care can they be at their fullest.
Powdery mildew covers a plant, stealing nutrients and limiting photosynthesis. None. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by ...