RIC-PRIMUS, from RIC Technology, has a 200mm/s printing speed and 8 degrees of motion freedom, allowing it print around ...
The Phoenix 3D printer and a sculpture it printed are displayed at the Long Center by 3D-printing company Icon at South by ...
Enter 3D printing, a technology that is changing the way we approach space exploration. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing allows us to create objects layer by layer from materials like ...
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a climate-friendly covering for walls and ceilings that temporarily stores moisture, ...
A small group of art students had the chance to design their own molds, stamps and cookie cutters during a Saturday class ...
ICON Technology Inc will be laying off over 100 workers later this spring. The information comes from a Jan. 7 WARN Notice ...
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a climate-friendly covering for walls and ceilings that temporarily stores moisture, ...
In a statement, an ICON spokesperson told KVUE the company made the difficult decision to "realign their team" to focus on its priorities, which include accelerating development of the company’s new ...
With funding from the Italian Space Agency, the GLAMS project is advancing lunar habitations with 3D printed regolith structures.
Inspired by the way mud dauber wasps build their nests, one assistant professor began to consider the ways we could build ...
Researchers advance bone tissue engineering with 3D printing - providing more controlled conditions for studying bone tissue.