Jainoor police said that Malluri Srinivas (42) from Asifabad town received grievous injuries when the car rammed into the culvert, resulting in spot death for him and minor injuries to his friends at ...
The City of Kigali has initiated the construction of culverts in flood-prone areas as part of its efforts to mitigate the impact of heavy rains and flooding.
Spread the loveIn Somerset, Kentucky, the Somerset Fire Department came to the rescue of a German shepherd puppy on Tuesday who faced a most precarious situation. The puppy found himself trapped ...
The Texas Department of Transportation has announced the beginning of the $1.9 million Lamesa Road Culvert Reconstruction Project. The project includes the ...
Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) has announced that Route YY will be shut down for a spell to replace an aging culvert, just one piece in the state's never-ending puzzle of ...