The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (RL&L) is a cornerstone of the Humanities at Wesleyan and the university’s gateway to the French-, Italian-, Portuguese-, and Spanish-speaking ...
For most students, the greatest challenge lies in figuring out a way to earn 32.00 credits and complete the particular course requirements for the major in six semesters instead of eight.
All University-owned housing has fire and life safety equipment. It is there to protect you and your neighbors. The only way it can work is if you leave it alone and report any problems to Physical ...
The Education Studies academic program is designed to help students acquire a deeper understanding of education and its relationship to society. Through a range of courses across the curriculum, ...
One of the oldest humanities institutes in the United States, the Center for the Humanities at Wesleyan University supports innovative interdisciplinary academic programming, research, and scholarship ...
The Public Affairs Center (PAC), constructed in 1927, was originally designed as a residence hall by the prominent firm McKim, Mead and White Architects of New York, NY, on the former site of the ...
Prospective Majors should complete and review the ARCP Major Declaration Form with their advisor before submitting. Once complete, a copy of the form should be sent to the Archaeology Department ...
A practical and theoretical introduction to traditional West African music and culture. Students experience the rhythms, songs, movements, and languages of Ghana and its neighboring countries through ...
The Davison Art Collection includes monuments in the history of photography by such artists as Julia Margaret Cameron, as well as images such as Eadweard Muybridge's (American, born England, 1830-1904 ...
Suspension - A disqualification from government contracting and subcontracting for a temporary period of time because a company or individual is suspected of engaging in criminal, fraudulent, or ...
As family members of a Wesleyan student or alum, you are vital members of our community. We welcome you to connect with us, attend on-campus or regional events, and engage by giving back through ...
Wesleyan has 238 tenured and tenure-track faculty, with 121 full, 63 associate, and 69 assistant professors. In a typical year an additional 90 faculty are present as adjuncts, full- or part-time ...