Where have all the hypercompetitive, in-it-to-win-it Major League Baseball team owners gone? Straight to the bank. The baseball gravy train is on a roll. In 2022, the average MLB franchise was worth ...
Small towns have produced some of the most epic high school football stories of all time. There’s something special about growing up in a small town. The traditions. The bonds. The community. And, if ...
The value of NFL teams and the wealth of their owners has shot through the stratosphere in the last two decades. It was just 20 years ago that you could still get an NFL team for a bargain basement ...
Metrics have reset the bar for Cooperstown, and a few of those who fall short may surprise you. Remember when baseball was a simple game? Yeah, me, too. Then metrics reared its decimal point and ...
For our money, the NHL has the best uniforms in pro sports. OK. There. We said it. Let’s start with stability, kids. From top to bottom, the basic hockey look has changed very little since helmets ...
These charming minor league parks offer major league fan experiences that go far beyond the action on the field. Any diehard baseball fan will attest that there’s no experience quite like an afternoon ...
Major League Baseball has no shortage of famous fans. And they love their baseball teams as much as we do. Celebrities are just like us. They are human after all. Although they’re a little higher ...
Sports can be serious business, but some people understand that sports are too important to be taken seriously. Just look at team names. While many teams have straightforward names — often an ode to ...
Basketball is the second-most popular sport in U.S. high schools. But only the best programs create pros. The NBA has become a global game. Still, the grassroots of basketball come at the youth level, ...
Not every sport played at the Olympics is meant for the mainstream, and some of them are downright weird. Let’s begin with one clarifying thought. When we say something is weird, it doesn’t mean it’s ...
Some of the best basketball players have worn some of the best basketball shoes. These kicks stand out from the rest. Some of the best basketball players have worn some of the best shoes. But just as ...
Decibel levels, championships and our own ears have proven these to be the loudest college football stadiums of all time. There’s a good argument to be made that there is no sports fan, in any ...