JAFFNA: REPORTS FROM THE NORTH IN THE aftermath of Wednesday’s (11) confrontations that occurred in and around MUHAMALE and KILALY Forward Defence Line (FDL) areas in JAFFNA after Tiger (LTTE) ...
USA Medical Dr David Brownstein has tested, over the years about 8,000 patients for iodine levels and found 97% of them deficient in iodine. Other medics find the same results themselves.
The London-headquartered Lyca Group has been actively expanding its operations in Sri Lanka with Chairman and Founder Subaskaran Allirajah indirectly, deviously and circuitously, undertaking ...
The Central Bank has the highest number of registered PhDs per square foot in the country! And. It is no wonder. These PhDs are led by an eminence who the ‘ LMD, a leading business magazine in the ...
The US is going isolationist while China is going the opposite way, what an exceptional phenomenon. China was happy to buy instead of making their own chips, but the US cut them off. So China has to ...
Asian Human Rights Commission writes the second letter to the Honorable President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on needed bribery and corruption control investigations Presidential ...
Boeing uses titanium and aluminum alloys from India in many of its civilian and military products, including the 737 and the F15. Boeing sources vertical fin structures for 737 airplanes from India.
However, the issue in implementing price controls is that the Government is unable to monitor every sales outlet to ensure that such controls are in place. Accordingly, if the Government wishes to ...
PEC urges Chhattisgarh chief minister Vishnu Deo Sai to take personal interest to deliver justice to the bereaved scribe’s family as early as possible,” commented PEC president Blaise Lempen. PEC’s ...
On 1 January 2025 this government initiated ‘Clean Sri Lanka’ with a bash where the county’s ‘top most luminaries’ attending. If anything important of the government happens, there are ‘elite’ ...