This unique course combines rigorous training in economic theory and applications with cutting-edge insights and techniques from marketing practice. 8 out of 10 Goldsmiths students go into highly ...
Our Primary PGCE with Modern Languages programme will support you in becoming a confident, reflective, and engaged primary school teacher. In addition, it will provide you with the opportunity to ...
* Check with your academic department if your course observes Reading Week.
Events managers of the future need to be versatile and confident, managing a wide array of events in innovative ways. This degree equips you to take your place in the events industry, leading the way ...
But you may ask, how do ideas come? How is the imagination spurred to put all the images and facts together, to make images relevant and lend meaning to facts? All I can do is talk about the general ...
The Music, Mind, and Brain (MMB) Group at Goldsmiths, University of London, studies the biological and cognitive foundations of musical experience and behaviour, as well as their impact on society and ...
There can be little doubt that the paranormal is accepted as real by the majority of the British public. A Daily Mail poll from 1998 put the figure at over 60%, and a more recent Reader's Digest ...
Professionally validated by the National Youth Agency and the Endorsement and Quality Standards Board for Community Development, this MA brings together youth work and community development theory and ...
Settling into your university environment can be both exciting and challenging. There will be times where you find it difficult, but you are not alone. Whatever the difficulties you face whilst at ...
Goldsmiths has a rich heritage of challenging inequality in all its forms, and equality, inclusion and social justice are values which are incredibly important to us. These values are enshrined in our ...
On this brave games Masters focusing on game design, you’ll explore the ways that games are used in the creative arts to engage conversation, inspire personal expression, and explore our world. This ...
Find out about fees and funding for home (UK) students. Goldsmiths offers a range of financial support including undergraduate scholarships and bursaries. These are awarded based on a variety of ...