The following affirmations summarise the position of the Evangelical Alliance in its 2012 Report Biblical and pastoral responses to homosexuality. We are conscious that different evangelicals might ...
Michael Green provides the keynote address at a national consultation exploring the question, "What is the Gospel?" He explores how the apostles approached the gospel by looking at the three word ...
There is an active community of Christians in parliament who regularly meet for prayer, worship and Bible study. They’re drawn from both houses of parliament, from the offices of MPs, and from a wide ...
Ahead of the Modern Slavery Bill entering parliament later this year there is a great opportunity for churches to learn about the issues of trafficking and slavery and how God's passion for freedom ...
This digital magazine appears in a frame, if you cannot see it here you can open it in a new window by clicking here This report was published in May 2012, with the survey conducted in February 2012.
The addresses shown on this map are where the churches meet, and not necessarily the correspondence address. Please contact the individual churches for the correspondence address.
Rev Dr Israel Oluwole Olofinjana is an ordained and accredited Baptist minister and has led two multi-ethnic Baptist churches and an independent charismatic church. He is the founding director of ...
Welcome to 7 Conversations, a suite of interactive, integrated resources for leaders in local settings seeking to understand young adults and bring them into a rock-solid relationship with Jesus. Each ...
Our third survey of the UK church during the Covid-19 pandemic suggests that the pandemic is impacting people’s habits in relation to church attendance, yet despite these fluctuations churches ...